Spring washers are essential fasteners used in Automotive Industry, White Goods Industry, Furniture Industry, and any other sectors where bolts and nuts are used. A spring washer ensures equal distribution of load, and prevents loss of friction grips between bolt and thread, i.e. loosening.
A spring washer is placed between nut and object, stopping the nut. When the ring nut is tightened, the potential force placed on the underlying washer applies a force to the nut contrary to that of the tightening direction, thus increasing the friction coefficient. As a result, the nut will be neither tightened nor loosened easily. Furthermore, it ensures a homogenous distribution of pressure on the surface tightened by the nut.
Spring washers are placed under a screw, bolt, or nut, and distribute the pressure during tightening and loosening of screw to protect the work piece. Washers are also used for ensuring humidity-proof connection.
Firmamız BRC Bağlantı Elemanları Rondela Civata San. Tic. Ltd.Şti. 2009 yılında otomotiv ana sanayi, savunma sanayi, elektrik, beyaz eşya, tarım makineleri ve bağlantı elemanlarına ihtiyaç duyan diğer endüstriyel sektōrlerin taleplerine cevap verebilmek amacıyla kurulmuştur.